Wholesale Terms
Return Policy
We guarantee your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase in any way, we want to make it better. Please return your items to us and we will replace them. Please inspect packages closely for damages and report problems to us immediately. Damaged items will of course be refunded on your credit cart. Shipping costs are not refundable.
Ordering Minimums
 We ask that you order a minimum of $100. Our website will not accept any orders under $100. If this is your first order, please buy in quantities of 3s in each scent you intend to purchase in the bath and body category. Soy candles have no minimums. On your first order if you buy $200 worth of product, we include a biography sign and testers all free of charge.
Shelf Life
All of our products are handmade with natural ingredients. We try to minimize the number of preservatives and synthetic ingredients we use in our products. This unfortunately means they do have a limited shelf life. We will guarantee our products for one year from the purchase date. Please keep in mind the aroma of certain essential oils and colorants will diminish over time once exposed to air. We recommend that you use the soaps and body care products within one year of date of purchase. For a longer storage, store soaps in a cool and dry place. Avoid excessive heat or exposure to direct sunlight.
Payment Methods
After you have filled your cart and are ready to order, you will be able to submit your order if you are a net30 customer or you will be able to proceed to checkout and pay for your order.